Blueprint Modifiers

Modifiers are a set of specified instructions based on Blueprints. Modifiers are associated to Asset Groups and run against Assets.

Blueprint Modifier Overview

Modifiers are a set of specified instructions based on Blueprints. Modifiers are associated to Asset Groups and run against Assets.

Modifiers run on Assets that have the K12 Panel Agent installed. This means that Modifiers run against Computers. They do not run against Chromebooks or non-technical assets. 

Modifiers run on and change Computers. Modifiers run against Computer Assets with the K12Panel Agent installed on them.

You use Blueprint Modifiers to make changes to computers.

Blueprint Modifiers can do any kind of work on a computer, including:

  1. Install software

  2. Uninstall software

  3. Change security settings on computers

  4. Force updates

  5. And anything else you have a Blueprint for

Modifiers can be executed against an asset. Blueprints are the instructions, and Modifiers carry out these instructions against an asset.

Modifier Scope: Asset or Person

Modifiers are scoped to run on an Asset at system startup (an Asset-Scoped Modifier) or run against an Asset for a given Person when that Person uses the computer (a Person-Scoped Modifier).

Scoping Remember: Modifiers ALWAYS run on a PC computer. An Asset-Based Modifier runs on a computer when it boots up and regardless of who uses the computer. A Person-Based Modifier runs on a computer but runs only for the logged in user if they match the Person-Based Modifier criteria.


Viewing Available Blueprint Modifiers

You need at least one Modifier of a Blueprint in order to associate it to an Asset Group. You can have more. View Blueprint Modifiers in the Blueprint. View the Modifiers available from the Blueprint detail page.

This is also where you can Create new Modifiers.

Creating a New Modifier for a Blueprint

From the Blueprint Detail page, you can Create a Modifier.

The New Modifier will be the same SCOPE and CATEGORY of as the Blueprint.

You can name the Modifier anything, but often you will want to name it similarly to the Blueprint so you know what it does. You may also choose to name it in a way to distinguish it from other Modifiers based on the same Blueprint.

The PRIORITY is the Execution Priority for an Asset. The higher the priority, the earlier in the execution sequence this Modifier will run. The initial priority will be the Suggested Priority of the Blueprint.