Blueprints Overview

Blueprints are an essential topic in K12 Panel. Blueprints represent sets of instructions that can be executed against PC Assets.

Blueprint Overview

Blueprints are an essential topic in K12 Panel. Blueprints represent sets of instructions that can be executed against Assets. They are similar to Group Policy Objects (GPOs) or any other configuration script.

Blueprints are recipes of instructions you run against Assets. They can Install Software, change Configurations, install Printers, and pretty much anything else you can imagine.


Blueprints are written in PowerShell.

There are several ways to add Blueprints to your organization’s Libraries:

  1. You can write your own Blueprints.

  2. You can subscribe to a Team Blueprint.

  3. You can build your own Team and share Blueprints with friends and colleagues.

Key Takeaways and Concepts for Blueprints:

  • Blueprints are computer-instruction-sets (recipes) written in Powershell.

  • You can write your own Blueprints or subscribe to or copy a pre-made one from a Team Library

  • Blueprints can have one more more modifiers. Modifiers are associated with Asset Groups and are what actually “do work” against Assets.

Blueprint Organization Libraries

You organize your Blueprints into Organization Libraries (or Org Libraries).

  • Select “[[ NEW ]]” from the Org Library dropdown list to build a new Organization library.

  • Click “Rename” to rename the currently selected Organization library.

  • Click “Delete” to delete the currently selected Organization library.

You can only delete a library if it is empty, so you must first either delete or move all Blueprints from a library prior to deleting the library.

Asset Blueprint vs Person Blueprints

If you click in one of your Org Libraries, you will have the option to create an Asset Blueprint or a Person Blueprint. Asset Blueprints are created to impact Asset Groups while Person Blueprints are created to impact People Groups.