People Groups

People Groups are a way of logically grouping people in your organization so that you can impact and influence them as a group instead of individually by assigning People Modifiers (Blueprint Modifiers) to your People Groups.

People Groups are created in K12 Panel. People Groups are not related to your Company’s user management system (such as Active Directory or GSuite for Education groups).

People Groups are created in K12 Panel and are not related to your Company’s user management system. They are not associated with Google Groups, M365 Groups, or AD Groups.


The top level page of this shows the People Group, the type (Manual vs Dynamic), an OU if this is tied to an OU, whether this includes Sub-OUs, numbers of links associated with this group, finally an list of named Person-Scoped Modifiers associated with this group.

Types of People Groups

There are two types of People Groups: Dynamic People Groups and Static People Groups. People can be members of any number of People Groups and in any combination (multiple Static People Groups, multiple Dynamic People Groups, or even no People Group membership).

Dynamic People Group

Dynamic People Groups are defined by a set of rules. As new People are imported into the system via synchronization, or as People are moved from one OU to another in your organization, that Person’s Dynamic People Group membership can change and when synchronization with K12 Panel happens, this will automatically update the members of Dynamic People Group. Use a Dynamic People Group for ease of grouping People from specific OUs together.


  1. Carl wants to be able to run People Modifiers against all People in the organization, so he built a Dynamic People Group called “All People” configured against the top level of his OU structure and made sure to check the box “Also include all people in Sub OUs“ while creating the People Group.

  2. Kim wants to assign a People Modifier that only associates with her organization’s Headquarters OU but also to none of people in the sub-OU of that group, so she built a Dynamic People Group called “Headquarters”, selected the Headquarters OU from the OU tree and then unchecked the “Also include all people in Sub OUs”.

Manual (or Static) People Group

Conversely, Manual People Group memberships are manually managed by you. Any number of People can be put into a Manual People Group, but each member must be added to or removed from the Group manually. You can “mass add” and “mass remove” People to a Manual People Group from the People tab.


Carl wants to push a desktop icon to handful of his organization’s executives, so he built a Manual People Group called “Big Bosses” and manually added the right People to this group.

Adding Person-Scoped Modifier Link

To associate a People-Scoped Modifier to a People Group, click on the link icon next to the People Group that you want the modifier assigned to as shown below.

You will be presented with a couple of drop-down menus. The first one restricts people to a specific group of assets then select the modifier you want associated with this group.


After saving, you may confirm your actions by looking at the top-level People Group page and making sure the correct modifier is tied to the correct People Group and restricted by the correct asset groups. An example of a finished link is shown below.

Removing (Unlink) People-Scoped Modifiers

To remove a link between People-Scoped Modifiers and a People Group, click on the unlink icon to the left of each group in the linked field as shown below.