Service Cases

Service Cases allow you to track work done to an Asset

Service Cases track work that you have done to or regarding an Asset.

You can track any kind of work you'd like in a Service Case.

Examples of work that can be tracked in a Service Case include:

  • A physical damage issue that you have fixed (such as replacing a Chromebook screen)
  • A hardware upgrade that you have performed (such as adding RAM or swapping out a HDD for a SSD)
  • A firmware upgrade to a switch, firewall, printer, or other Asset with sensitive firmware
  • A routine maintenance for an Asset (such as cleaning a power supply fan or the dust from an Asset's chassis)
  • An Asset that needs to be inspected for inappropriate content (such as suspicion of inappropriate downloaded materials on a laptop)
  • Or any other kind of work you want to track.

You open (create) and manage service cases via the "Service Cases" tab of the asset being serviced.

Service Case Statuses

Service Cases progress through STATUSES. The Service Case status represents where a Case is in its workflow lifecycle.

The default Service Case Status lifecycle is


NEW represents a Service Case that needs attention

OPEN represents a Service Case that is receiving active attention by the owner

ON HOLD is a special status that shows the Service Case is open but delayed (such as waiting for a part, an administrative decision, or another reason for delay. Make sure to add a LOG ENTRY describing why the Service Case is ON HOLD)

CLOSED represents a Service Case that has been completed (or is no longer receiving attention.)

Service Case Categories

Service Case Categories allow you to track the kind of work being done in the Service Case. There are several default 

Service Case Owner

The Owner is the person responsible for conducting the work. This is a USER in Panel who can log in to the Panel system.

Associated People

Associated People are People who are in some way related to the Service Case. Be descriptive in the Description or a Log Entry of the Service Case as to why each Associated Person is associated to the ticket. You can associate people to track who caused damage to an Asset, or who reported an issue that needs attention via a Service Case.

Note: You can view Service Cases associated to a person from the Person's Service Case tab navigable from their associated Person Detail page.

Service Case Settings

You can customize Service Case Statuses and Categories inside Settings.